Serving the Duchenne Community
Welcome to the healthcare professional site for Duchenne.com. As a healthcare professional, you are a pivotal member of the care team for someone living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
This site is a source of information, tools, and resources to support you in identifying DMD and helping your patients and caregivers navigate the complicated landscape of DMD therapies.
Identifying DMD
Timely diagnosis of DMD enables earlier management and access to resources. Creatine kinase (CK) testing is a critical first step in diagnosing DMD.
Navigating the DMD Treatment Landscape
Management strategies for DMD are evolving rapidly. Help your patients and their families navigate the complex therapeutic landscape.
Update on Investigational Therapies
Investigational therapies are being developed that aim to address various aspects of DMD. One category of experimental therapies aims to address the cause of DMD, namely, the lack of the dystrophin protein, by restoring production of a functioning form of dystrophin.
Support For Your Patients
Many resources are available to support you in helping your patients and their families, including healthcare professional and patient organizations focused on DMD and other neuromuscular diseases.